"safe", "restored" and "comfortable"
Tracron M4 II
AKZU's principles of 
museum lighting: 
"Safety", "Revivification" and "Comfort"
Exhibition lighting is the most important part of a museum, directly affecting the safety, display effect, and viewing experience of exhibits such as cultural relics, specimens, and artworks. Museum lighting should pay attention to the three key points of "safety", "revivification", and "comfort", and flexibly use the quality, intensity, and distribution of light to inspire the audience to appreciate the exhibition content.
New concept of Museum Lighting Design
Museums play the role of protecting and displaying cultural and natural heritage, providing scientific research, conducting social education, and inspiring wisdom, and have become an indispensable part of people's spiritual and cultural life. On the one hand, how to provide audiences with rich exhibitions and create a good visual light environment, on the other hand, how to increase the protection of museum exhibits and minimize the damage of light radiation to cultural relics has become an important issue facing museum lighting design and museum lighting design.

In museum lighting design, we should adhere to the lighting design concepts of "safety", "revivification" and "comfort", apply more modern optical, electronic and intelligent technologies, and create a visual lighting effect that is full of life, full of vitality, realistic and overall optimized on the basis of better protecting cultural relics, so as to present and restore the historical and cultural heritage and artistic attainments of cultural relics and exhibits, and provide viewers with a comfortable light quality experience environment.
"Safety" is the basis premise of museum exhibition lighting design
Cultural relic protection is The first proposition of Chen Lighting Design in Museum Exhibition
Exhibits are the core of all behaviors of the museum. All process centers around the precious exhibits. How to secure a unique rare and precious exhibit becomes the primary task of the museum lighting designer. In the museum lighting design, lighting technology must prioritize the contradiction between safe protection and better revivification on the exhibits.
There are 3 points about lighting safety in museum lighting design. The first is the mechanical safety. There should be no risk of falling during the installation and disassembly. The second is the electrical safety. Luminaires are electric carriers, electrical safety standards must be obeyed. The third is the light safety, ray radiation, illumination level, light exposure are harmful to the exhibits.
Part I
Museum lighting
Cultural relics protection first
How to secure a unique rare and precious exhibit becomes the primary task of the museum exhibition. In the museum lighting design, lighting technology must prioritize the contradiction between safe protection and better revivification on the exhibits; at the same time, create a comfortable visual environment.
The infrared radiation makes the temperature rise on the exhibit's surface, accelerates the thermal expansion and contracting, the aging, increases drying degree, makes the material fragile, which may lead to the occurrence of warping and cracking on the surface of exhibits. The museum lighting designer must avoid infrared radiation to protect the exhibits.
Prevention on thermal effect from the infrared rays
Cultural relic protection is the primary proposition of museum exhibition Chen lighting design
The existence of the ultraviolet ray causes the chemical effect on the exhibits' surface, like aging, fading, color changing, qualitative changing, etc., and these damages are not recoverable through protection measures. According to IESNA96, for museum lighting design, the recommended maximum UV content in lamp is 75μW/lm; and CIE2003 recommends 10μ W/lm.
Prevention on chemical effect from the ultraviolet rays
Prevent the chemical effects of ultraviolet rays
Ultraviolet and infrared radiation would accelerate the aging and damage of the cultural relics. AKZU adopts the museum grade LEDs to minimize light damage to light-sensitive exhibits with optimal lighting efficiency, providing superior and safe lighting solutions for museums.
Professional museum grade LED chips guarantee the safe presentation for valuable cultural relics and artworks
Using professional grade LED chip Provide lighting for the museum exhibition hall Quality and safe lighting
For the safety of the exhibits, museum lighting design should pay attention to the possible damage from the light radiation, control strictly also on the illuminance on exhibits.
The application of precise and convenient dimming control devise perfectly solves the problem of different illuminance for different exhibits.
Controlling illumination levels
Control illuminance level
Controlling the total annual exposure of cultural relics and art exhibits is an important means of coordinating protection and display
We should limit the annual light exposure on exhibits. Supposing the illuminance level for exhibit is 200lx, and 6 hours weekly lighting time, the annual exposure is 600000lx*h.
The application of DALI intelligent system effectively controls the lighting time of luminaires and makes it more flexible to change the scenes.
Control of cultural relics and art exhibits Total annual exposure Is to coordinate the protection and display. Important means
create extra value of precious heritage 
and art.
"Restoration" makes the wonderful reappearance of history and art.
In museum displays, exhibits are important cultural relics for studying ancient and modern civilizations. The colors, craftsmanship and details of each exhibit are of inestimable value. However, due to the different restoration quality of artificial lighting, the appearance and color of the cultural relics reflected in the audience's eyes may be color-shifted, ambiguous, dim, etc., which may be greatly distorted compared to the original.

Therefore, as an organic part of the museum scene, lighting should be able to truly restore the color, details, layers, contrast and sharpness of the exhibits, so as to truly restore the ancient and modern culture and history.
Part II
Super high color rendering,
accurate color temperature
Museum lights with high color rendering index can truly present the appearance of historical relics, color and civilization. In the places, like museums, which have strict requirement on the color differentiation when presenting paintings, colored fabric, multicolor exhibits, etc., light source with color rendering index (Ra) not less than 90 should be adopted.
Generally speaking, for lighting design, especially museum lighting design, museum light with Ra not less than 90 should be applied for exhibits like paintings, colorful fabrics, etc. And for other places with normal requirement on color differentiation, it is recommended to use light source with Ra not less than 80.
The color rendering of light source influences directly on the presentation performance of the color of exhibits. Professional LEDs for museum lighting can equal to the light effect of metal halide light.
High color rendering light
High color rendering light
In museum lighting design, it is important for portraying the scene, atmosphere, the color and material quality of the exhibits. Generally color temperature of less than 3300k is recommended, at the same time, it is necessary to keep the uniformity of color temperature in the whole space.
With the rapid development of LED technology, LED now has better control on the color difference compared with metal halide lamp and halogen lamp.
Choose the right color temperature
Choose the appropriate color temperature
Museum lighting design usually uses a combination of general lighting and local accent lighting. For three-dimensional exhibits, directional lighting and diffuse lighting are combined to outline the details; for some large three-dimensional exhibits, directional lighting and reflective lighting are used to project from both sides to create different degrees of shadows and highlight the three-dimensional sense. Exhibition lighting should reflect the three-dimensional artistic effect of cultural relics through different brightness contrasts, light and dark matching, and light and shadow combinations, and use lights to give life to cultural relics and make them come alive.
Perfect three-dimensional shaping
The shaping of perfect three-dimensional sense
  • Direct spot 6°

  • Narrow spot 9°

  • Spot 16°

  • Flood 26°

  • Broad flood 47°

  • Oval flood 54°x 24°

  • Wallwash

  • Extremely narrow beam 6 °

  • Ultra-narrow beam 9 °

  • Narrow beam 16 °

  • Middle beam 26 °

  • Wide beam 47 °

  • Stretched beam 54 °x 24 °

  • Wash the wall

"Comfort" is the in-depth requirement of museum display design
"comfort" is the depth requirement of museum display design.
The museum has gradually become a common place where people carry out social education and leisure entertainment. Museum architectural lighting design needs to create a comfortable visual lighting environment.

Museum lighting design should avoid dazzling light. It is required also to pay attention to the brightness contrast, light uniformity, etc., and find the most comfortable point of vision from the light and shade, and the luminance balance.
Part III
Fully consider the hue, saturation, intensity and brightness distribution of the light in the display space to create a visually comfortable lighting environment.
The lamps with simple design and functional emphasis give you a more convenient and quick installation experience while giving full play to the lighting performance. When the museum is re-exhibiting or upgrading, AKZU's simple, fast and flexibly customizable lamp installation method makes the exhibition more flexible and cost-saving.
When visitors are watching the exhibits, there should not be any reflected glare directly from light source, windows or any other surfaces. By adjusting the luminaire layout in the area without reflection interference, glare can be avoided.
AKZU M6, M5 track lights for museum lighting adopts the superior high-end tracks and accessories, can provide flexible installation for different lighting spaces and help to adjust the luminaires to the area without reflection interference, thus to avoid glare.
Elimination of primary reflected glare
Elimination of primary reflection glare
The images of visitors or other objects on the glossy surface (such as display case glass or picture frame glass) should not hinder the visitors from viewing the exhibits; for oil paintings or exhibits with glossy surfaces, there should be no light curtain reflection in the direction of the audience's viewing.
The low- height display cases in museums can be illuminated directly with lights outside the cabinets, but attention should be paid to choosing the correct lighting position, such as lighting directly above the low-height display case. 
Avoiding secondary reflection glare
Avoidance of secondary reflection glare
For planar exhibits in museum design, the ratio of the minimum illuminance to the average illuminance should not be less than 0.8; while for taller than 1.4m planar exhibits, the ratio should not be less than 0.4.
AKZU track lights for museum lighting have special designed Triod optical system, minimize the stray light, largely avoid the glare and make the light more soft.
Evenness degree
In museum design, the ratio of exhibits brightness to the background brightness should not be more than 3:1. The area with too high brightness will become a dazzling light source, causing visual difficulties and affecting the appreciation on details. For the area presenting particular light sensitive exhibits, when the overall illuminance is low, visual adaptation should be considered.
The light spot of AKZU track lights for museum lighting on the exhibits has smooth transition effect, and makes the brightness contract more natural between the exhibits and background, thus avoids the uncomfortable feeling from glare.
Visual adaptation
visual adaptation
As one of the elements in the scene, lamps not only provide lighting for the scene, but also build the style tone of the museum lighting scene. In the process of expressing the theme of the exhibition, the appearance design of the lamps should be coordinated with the style of the building to avoid being incompatible with the museum's architectural design environment.
The minimalist industrial design of the AKZU museum lights is integrated into the lighting design of the scene, making the display lighting more simple and high-end, and adapting to the museum's architectural design style.
The perfect match between lamps and architecture
Cultural relics protection is the primary proposition in museum exhibition lighting design
AKZU DALI intelligent lighting system can adjust and switch the museum lighting environment according to different display requirements. It can realize: single lamp or multi-lamp group switching, manual or automatic brightness adjustment, scene mode setting, timer switch, infrared detection, illumination sensing, motion sensing, centralized monitoring, energy consumption management, mobile phone operation control, remote operation and other lighting control tasks, which greatly facilitates the museum's lighting management and precise illumination control of exhibits.
DALI intelligent lighting control system, not only energy saving,also carefully preserve culture relics
DALI Smart Lighting Not just saves energy It is also a tool to protect cultural relics and create visually comfortable lighting